Machine Learning vs Artificial Intelligence

This is the era of of technology and advances in different sectors of technology is high as compared to our past and the concept of machine learning and artificial intelligence plays a vital role in this sector.
In this post, I will inform you about the concept machine learning vs artificial intelligence.

What is Machine Learning ?

Here, for example if there is a computer, you make it to learn that how it can increase its efficiency in performance and knowledge with experiences. Now, if we see a example, there is a camera, and you have to make it learn that the object in front of it is a dog, then you set a algorithm, in which you show different types of dogs to the camera, now the camera stores a pattern that the structure of dog is like that, now if the camera sees a different variety of dog for the first time, it can understand that it is a dog because it has experience of it and it is increased further more by several repetition, now gradually it will become an expert in identifying dogs.

But if a cat appears in front of the camera, it will fail to identify it because it never learned anything about cats. So, here in machine learning you target a specific object or task and practising that the machines improves their knowledge and experience, for example if you make a system understand your language, you teach it different fonts, writing styles, the number of alphabets in the language etc, and it over the period of time improves and understand different hand writings.

This is machine learning, you make a system, to learn something about a particular task or object, so that the system becomes a expert in it, but only in that field. 

If want to understand machine learning more briefly you can read this book -

                                                    Click on this image to buy this book

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What is Artificial Intelligence?

Now, when I am talking about the Artificial Intelligence, as the name suggests the system is intelligent which means not only in one task but in general many tasks can be inputted itself like humans, like as we think, like we are having understanding and creativity, the artificial intelligence will not only analyse a single point but multiple points and then it can take action according to it at once.

There is weak Artificial Intelligence, but there are also strong artificial intelligence which are quite advance, and it can learn as many things as you want to make it learn. Artificial Intelligence uses Machine Learning as well.

If you want to understand Artificial Intelligence briefly you can read this book -

                                                     Click on this image to buy this book

Confusion that lies in the masses  -

Many cell phone companies say that ''we are having Artificial Intelligence'', and people with lack of knowledge think that it is true but actually they do not know the fact that it is actually Machine Learning and it works according to your phone usage by identifying your surfing patterns and your phone habits so that it can give you the experience you expect.

Conclusion -

Now, the Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are growing rapidly and are reducing human effort as well as efficiency, and are continuously increasing their knowledge in every field and sector possible. It might come a time when the artificial intelligence may surpass human efficiency, as well do tasks that humans can't do and that too in quite less time. 

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Machine Learning vs Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning vs Artificial Intelligence Reviewed by PMT on September 08, 2018 Rating: 5


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