Internet Of Things (IOT) : Explained

You must have read stories like : "a person was able to monitor home through his smartphone even while he himself was siting in another country" ; "scientists were able to monitor the progress of a whale who was operated upon and a chip was inserted in her body" ; "a car sensor alerted the car owner about low air pressure in tires in time" and so on. All these are nothing but some examples of applications of IOT. But what is IOT?

The Internet Of Things or commonly known as IOT is a new age technology that allows computing devices (devices that can be programmed and can be connect to Internet such as smart home appliances like smart refrigerators or smart air conditioners, a smart head monitor chip etc.), to transfer data over a network like internet without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interactions.

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Practical applications of IOT technology can be found in many field/areas today, such as :

Health and Fitness :

IOT smart gadgets like Fitbit, Jawbone, Nike and Misfit etc., that monitor your heart rate, blood pressure etc. and take action accordingly such as sending emergency messages or updating daily fitness log or contacting appointed doctor etc.

Home Security :

There are many home safety and security devices for everyone that enable video surveillance, motion, temperature and air quality control to help you protect your family and home when you are not around.

Transport :

Driverless cars can 'not only' drive on road without drivers but also can be in touch servers all time. 

Shopping :

There are smart refrigerators nowadays that can order for grocery items as soon their quantity in fridge goes below a set level.

Smart cities :

The IOT technology is main enabler of making 'Smart city' a reality. Smart surveillance, automated transportation, smarter energy management systems, water distribution, urban security, and environmental monitoring etc., are examples of Internet Of Things applications for smart cities.

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Internet Of Things (IOT) : Explained Internet Of Things (IOT) : Explained Reviewed by PMT on November 07, 2018 Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Complete agree. This blog clearly shows the importance of smart city internet. I appreciate this blog. Thanks for sharing


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